Of all the things the Coronavirus has taken from us individually and collectively, you must ensure that you come out of this crisis as the true you. Be sure that you emerge with a strong sense of self and a strong sense of direction. I started out 2020 with VISION as my focus, discussing the importance of having laser focus on a destination to help guide your path as you journey through life. Despite the turn that life has taken in the last few weeks, the same remains true and actually, is more important than ever.
The Need for VISION
I am grateful to still have a good job and my salary but prior to #Corona, I was already working on my exit strategy, building my work from anywhere (WFA) business. This additional time at home has only confirmed for me that home is where my heart is and it’s where I want my body to be also! Home. Where I’m in control of my time and my future. This global shutdown has revealed the cracks in the WHOLE system and, I don’t know about you, but has caused me to give MAJOR side-eye to world leadership. The stories and information are so contradictory at times that it’s hard to know who or what to believe! So what makes sense to me is to keep myself, my family, my work and my money AT.THE.HOUSE. That’s my vision and it’s clearer than ever before. What about you? Has the lockdown life illuminated your vision for you? Or the fact that you NEED one?
The Forest and the Trees
It may be hard right now to fathom anything other than your current reality. You may be doing ALL the things as spouse, parent, employee, teacher, hairdresser, maid and whatever other hats you are wearing. How, you may ask, am I supposed to plan for ANYTHING??? I’m SO glad you asked! What you need to determine now is what you want life to be for you when choices are again available to you. If nothing else, decide where you will never get “caught’ again. Do you need to be better with money/financial management? Do you want a different job or career? How about improving your relationship or your family dynamic? WHATEVER applies, the point is to figure out how you want life to look for you and set the plan in motion now. Remember, you can come out of this crisis as the TRUE YOU!
Eyes On the Prize
Truth be told, life for many of us is a series of box checking. Doing what is expected. Go to college, get a job, have a family. Relationship choices are often made based on “outside influence” and don’t reflect the real, genuine version of ourselves. There is ONE who has the answers regarding who we really are and were meant to be and that is God the Father Himself. Unfortunately, we look to everyone and everything else but Him and end up lost. Creating a vision for your life that most authentically represents YOU means going to the ultimate Source. Your personality along with your innate skills and abilities and your temperament are strong indicators of what you were created to do and be. Don’t fall into the social media trap of thinking your life has to look like sister celebrity’s or brother influencer’s. Trying to mimic someone else at any time means sacrificing your true self EVERY time! You will never be happier trying to be someone else than you will be as your authentic self, no matter what it seems they have. Living your life as the best possible version of yourself is the greatest guarantee of fulfillment and success. And your sanity, truth be told…
Can I Get A Little Help?
You may feel ill-equipped to make major decisions regarding your life, especially if you’re looking to make big changes. Don’t overwhelm yourself by trying to make multiple changes at once. Make as many lists as you’d like but when the rubber hits the road, prioritize your efforts and focus on one change at a time. Start small to build your confidence and grow from there. (See my previous post about making confidence your super power: https://www.reallifetrueyou.com/confidence-as-a-super-power/.) If you want a new job, for instance, start with a resume refresh. Looking good, even on your resume, is going to make you feel good and boost your confidence. If your relationship is your target area, pick one thing about YOURSELF that you can work on to become a better partner to your partner. Want to improve your parental ability? Challenge yourself to go a week without raising your voice to your kids. You get the point. Start small and build from there. The thought of even these small changes may be #teamtoomuch but don’t worry. There is help. I am a coach and I would love to help develop a roadmap to get you from where you are to where you want to be. I would work with you to draw out what’s already in you, guaranteeing the greatest success of curating a life that is truly and authentically yours. If better navigating the corporate environment is your goal, I strongly recommend the Unleash Your Identity program at www.unleashyouridentity.com. Businessman and marketing professional extraordinaire Brian Lee has curated a course using his own experience climbing the corporate ladder. Brian has found great success leading campaigns for Google, writing for Forbes and currently as a VP in his marketing firm. He has done all of this with a strong sense of identity has built a whole program to help you do the same. Can we say #nocodeswitching???
Do YOU, Boo!
The moral of this story is that this time of lockdown should be your time to really figure out who you are and what you want. This time is your opportunity to push the reset button on your life; don’t go back to “business as usual” once the world reopens and find yourself swept back up on the wave of busyness with no clear direction in sight. Know where you want to go and be intentional about creating the path to get there. THAT, my friend, is called VISION. Because yes, AGAIN, you can come out of the Corona crisis as the TRUE YOU!